
Why the gang mentality again?  Speak to me if there is a problem, there
is no need to bring anyone else into something who is not involved to
begin with.

As for being defensive, it is only because I find you & your comments
towards me, and the RW, so offensive without cause other than to
artificially inflate your own self worth.

Yes, RWing is a different discipline so it cannot be compared to the
performance of other great athletes in the way you wish it to be.  I
never attempted this, but only brought forth names of other promising
youngsters who should get exposure.

I ,and every other, RWer have no feeling of embarrassment about anything
related to the event.  We are proud of our event, especially when having
to listen to such stupidity of the ignoramuses who can't use any grey

As for Zach, as Ed said, he is not my boy and neither is Christina my
girl.  I have met each of them twice, and they fine young people and
athletes who will go far.


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