
Some doubt is left after this as to who is one eyed.

But one or two eyes, let's keep an open mind.



At 09:28 20/08/01 +0100, Randall Northam wrote:
>on 20/8/01 6:23 AM, Prof. Uri Goldbourt at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Radcliffe, in the meanwhile is also developing into the world's greatest
> > whiner in atheletics.
> >
> > Yegorova in particualer, or drug taking in general, had nothing to do with
> > Paula's failure to medal in the 10,000 M in Sydney or last week, and
> > perhaps she should take a year off - not the track as Szabo says she might-
> > but delivering judicious sermons to the world.
> >
> > Apparently, Yegorva won in both Edmonton and Zurich EPO-free and Epo's
> > effects don't last beyond a few days. Has it occurred to us that she must
> > have some ability even withoput the boost of EPO?
>Is this true?  Does it only work in the few days after you take it. Is it
>true that you take it, run fast, a week later don't take it and return to
>your previous EPO less speed?
>I'm British, as is Radcliffe, so I could be said to have an interest, but it
>amazes me that someone who stands up for fair play is suddenly denigrated.
>This list member is not alone. It seems that Yegerova is being painted as
>unfortunate. Yes she was caught but they all do it so she was just unlucky.
>I don't remember Radcliffe claiming she would have won medals but for
>Yegerova. She wasn't even in the 5000, so that would have been very
>Obviously Yegerova had ability but she improved enormously this season and
>it has been proved that she took EPO. And even to someone apparantly as one
>eyed as Prof. Uri Goldbourt that makes her a cheat. Well done Radcliffe fror
>Randall Northam

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