Will it hamper the reporting and/or analyzing atheltics (I refer to the 
sports strangely named track and filed in teh USA and Canada) if we 
resorted to just accepting and respecting Hamilton-Favor's explanation of 
what she went through, and accept her reasoning why she will/will not 
participate in certain parts of the competition left over the season?

Certainly one has the right to agree, or disagree, or partly agree, or even 
dislike her explanation for not finshing ; but treating her with respect is 
not too much to ask.


At 09:07 21/08/01 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> >Which Suzy is this?
>I guess if you had to ask, the message wasn't meant for you. ;-)
>But as far as I know Suzy Favor-Hamilton is the only person in big time
>track who goes by "Suzy".  If someone had referred to simply "Hicham" would
>you have reacted as indignantly?
>Kurt (Bray)

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