There are a bunch of legal, over-the-counter steroids that anyone can get
very easily.  They are classified as "pro-hormones", bu they are anabolic
steroids.  They include the now-infamous androstendione, but also
androdiols (4-androstendione) and a few others.  Products such as
Andro-Spray, Nor-Andro-Spray, and 1-AD by Ergopharm for instance are all
legal anabolic steroids.

They are legal because they are naturally occuring substances which then
cause the body to produce more testosterone.

They work and they have all the side effects of "regular" steroids, so
make sure you get your propecia and anti-estrogens with them.

They are also all banned by the IOC, NCAA, etc (except MLB).

On Tue, 28 Aug 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> "How the gentleman from Utah made it easier for kids to buy steroids,
> speed, and Spanish fly."
> "Andro 9 is andro spiked with an herbal called tribulus terrestris, which
> essentially overrides the pituitary gland in regulating the body's
> production of testosterone. Bodybuilders love andro 9 because regular
> steroids prompt the testicles to stop producing testosterone, creating the
> dreaded "shrinking your grapes to raisins" effect. Tribulus terrestris
> instructs the testicles to keep pumping. When added to andro, the herbal
> wildly increases the body's supply of testosterone.
> "Yet in the '80s, tribulus terrestris was shown to cause a
> neurodegenerative condition in sheep called staggering disease, not to
> mention liver damage and much else. There are no data as yet on what it
> does to humans, but as Wadler observes, do you really need to know more,
> given what it does to sheep? "If tribulus terrestris was a cure for cancer,
> I could never get it through the FDA [because of the side effects]. Put it
> in a supplement and nobody looks at it," he says."
> Phil

Paul Talbot
Department of Geography/
Institute of Behavioral Science
University of Colorado, Boulder
Boulder CO 80309-0260
(303) 492-3248

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