>> From an AP report on the GWG 5000:
>> "The track and field program at the Goodwill Games witnessed probably the
>> slowest 5,000-meter men's race in a major championship.

> Farce?! I'd pay good money to see a race like this any day of the week. Had
> far more going for it than any of the ludicrous rabbit-5Ks they staged on the
> GP Circuit this year. This is the essence of REAL racing; see who blinks
> first.
> Anybody who thinks times have to be fast for a race to be meaningful don't
> appreciate the sport to the fullest.
> gh

Here I would have to agree with Gary. I have been in races like this - where
no one would lead and the tension was high for who would blink first. I do
think racing is about more than time. Who wins is important too.

Benji Durden

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