In a message dated Thu, 4 Oct 2001  4:02:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Ed and Dana 
Parrot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> This is crazy.  There is no need for a 2:15 marathoner to run for 3:30 in
> training.  It would be a huge waste of time.  The problem is that people are
> doing 18-24 milers relatively easy (and even close to 6:00 pace is
> relatively easy if you are a 2:15 marathoner) and NOT doing the 13-20 mile
> hard runs at marathon pace, which will total 18-25 miles with a few miles of
> buildup and cooldown.

> - Ed Parrot

Tell the Japanese that runs longer than the marathon distance are a waste of time.

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