
I was about half-way through doing my annual summary of national depth in
top 100 rankings for each event, when I realized results of the Chinese
National Games yet were to be recorded. I've just finished a quick look at
how many changes those might require and whether the damage could be
repaired without starting over.

One dismal example: Before the CNG, China had two athletes in the top 100
of the women's 1500m. Their top nine in the CNG bettered the previous
100th-place time of 4:13.19.

So far, I haven't found changes of that magnitude in any of the men's
events, although I note they'll have several additions in the long jump.

I've been using the event summaries from Mirko Jalava's website,
http://www.tilastopaja.net  You'll find the CNG results in his "Free
Statistics" section, without having to go through the membership sign-in.


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