on 1/2/02 10:06 AM, Eamonn Condon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I don't think I've seen anybody suggest placing the timing chip on the torso
> (attached to race number?). This would seem to solve the trailing vs.
> leading leg problem.
> Anybody know if this presents technical difficulties?

The chips aren't able to "broadcast" that far consistently. What you want is
a digital result. The runner has not crossed the finish; now the runner has
crossed the finish. If the chip is strong enough to be detected 3+ feet off
of the ground, it might be strong enough to be picked up before the runner
reaches the mat. You end up with a range of detected signals where the
runner is near the mat, he may be crossing the mat or he may just be near
the mat. Casio looked at a gate antenna system back in the mid 80's where a
watch would be the signal and the runner would be consider across the line
when he passed through the detection loop (the antenna was overhead, on both
sides and below). It died in development. I think chip technology has a ways
to go before it replaces the human judged system (with the aid of cameras)
for close important finishes.

Benji Durden

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