>I see it so many times that I really wonder if
>they are being told to do so by some running book or
>magazine.  Has anyone seen anything published anywhere
>telling people to run in the street?  Is there any
>logical reason?  Like running up and down curbs is
>dangerous or unhealthy for some reason?  Like they
>think they have the same road rights as cyclists?  Are
>they just too lazy?  I just don't get it.

It comes from years of reading things like this:


Wherein the good doctor advises (about shin splints):

"Downhill running can aggravate this problem and should be avoided. Too long 
a stride can also delay healing. Most of all, DO NOT RUN ON CONCRETE!"

I read another podiatrist who estimated that 80% of all cases shin splints 
could be avoided simply by running on asphalt instead of concrete.  I have 
no idea where the 80% figure comes from, but if you are battling running 
injuries, such warnings and stats are easily enough to put you off the 
sidewalk and out into the street.

Kurt Bray

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