> Date: Tue, 01 Oct 2002 13:45:18 +0000
> Subject: re: t-and-f: Is This Really Possible??
> By "began running two years ago", we must equate
> with "began training seriously as a world-class marathon
> runner two years ago"? I could buy that. But he had to
> be doing some kind of regular running before that, yes?!
> Makes you wonder if genetics (and altitude) don't
> account for about 90% of the equation, though. I'm sure
> J. Entine is out there grinning sardonically.

I'm sure genetics/altitude is indeed most of the equation. Just as genetics
can also be applied to JJ Johnson who in same amount of time went from
nothing to world leader in the 100. That's not saying that all
Kenyans/Kalenjin have the genetics, but for somebody to go from nothing to
great in no time has only one answer, in any event. (see Dr. Del Meriwether)


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