And I use the word "spin" carefully, because any time you get into numbers,
you can start doing hinky things, but some of the figures she cites are

Story, from SF Chronicle, starts:

<<Wrestlers putting blame in wrong place
Title IX isn't the real culprit

Gwen Knapp          Thursday, December 5, 2002


A GROWING battle over college sports casts Title IX as a spectacular
villain. In this drama, the revolutionary law that opened up athletics for
women has become an amalgam of Hannibal Lecter, Darth Vader and the butler.

Another college cuts wrestling, the lead victim in this story? Title IX did

Men's track falls by the wayside? Blame Title IX. Men's swimming goes down
the drain? Title IX's fingerprints are everywhere.

That's how athletic directors explain themselves when they start whacking
their budgets.......>>

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