Looks as if it was the sort of lunch I would enjoy!


That's the way I type after lunch, too.

Randall Northam

On Tuesday, Jan 7, 2003, at 18:52 Europe/London, Ed Grant wrote:


Just learned at the Met Track writers luncjeon on Monday aftre the
new IAAF false start rule. it;s a bummer

Evidentl;y, the IAAF was afraid to go all the way and introduce the
"no-fault-start" rule that governs high school and college track in the U.S.
and still find a way to cut down on false starts for reasons we can only
imagine. But why this one

For those, l;iker myself, not already familiar with the new rule, it
is one that has obviously been borroed from swimming. The first false start
is charged against the entire field, innocent as well as guilty. Subsequent
false starts, then immediately disqualify the culprit.

Swiming is about the last sport we should be borrowing rules from.

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