I didn't think it was offensive but I guess people can decide for themselves.
Audio is here and text will be here eventually:


Roger Ruth wrote:

> I've just finished watching the evening news hour on PBS ("Even in Canada,
> you say: pity.") It featured a long segment on the current drug allegations
> against some USA track and field athletes.
> My prejudice against this sort of "guilty until proven innocent" media
> circus is so strong that I shouldn't attempt to argue the accuracy or
> inaccuracy of specific information in the PBS presentation--
> What I CAN complain about is the absolute hypocracy of the "Jim Lehrer
> Newshour" devoting any time whatever to unsubstantiated charges against
> track and field athletes, when this "public service" channel has never,
> never, never ever devoted any program time to the *accomplishments* of
> track and field athletes. If, as would appear to be the case, Lehrer
> doesn't have enough interest to at least maintain this sort of editorial
> perspective over the program that is under his nominal supervision, perhaps
> he should admit to himself that he is over the hill and under the mound.
> We could do with less BS from PBS.

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