As most coaches would know, in determining eligibility for youth or junior championships, the IAAF considers the age of the athlete to be based on the year, not the date of birth. Thus, a competitor born on January 1, 1992 and one born on December 31 are both considered to be 17 years old throughout the 2009 indoor and outdoor seasons.

It seems to me unfair to have to compete in an age class with an opponent nearly a year older, and I’m not sure why IAAF adopted this strategy. Perhaps some reader knows the arguments for this and can offer clarification.

Last month, when I posted best heights for female vaulters ages 12 to 17, I used the actual age on the day the height was accomplished. Since this involved visually comparing date of birth with date of competition for some 1200 instances, at least I came away with an appreciation of how much simpler it would be to do this sorting on the IAAF definition of age.

Yesterday, in a moment of idle curiosity, I wondered what was the best height in the 2008 outdoor season for male vaulters of each age. This time, I chose to use the IAAF definition of the year of birth, rather than the date of birth and date of competition. That made it possible just to use the “find” function of the computer to sort for the highest mark in each birth year. What had taken perhaps fifty hours to summarize the women’s list took less than one hour for the men’s.

The result might be of interest to some readers:

2008 Outdoor Men’s Best Height for Year of Birth

1967 – Jeff Hartwig               USA          5.70
1968 – Andrei Fedotov          MDA         5.10
1970 – Riaan Botha               RSA         5.20
1972 – Derek Miles                USA         5.85
1973 – Laurens Looije           NED         5.32
1974 – Alex Averbukh            ISR         5.55
1975 – Viktor Chistyakov        RUS         5.60
1976 – Toby Stevenson         USA         5.50
1977 – Danny Ecker               GER         5.75
1978 – Denys Yurchenko       UKR         5.83
1979 – Pavel Gerasimov         RUS         5.80
1980 – Spas Buhalov              BUL         5.70
1980 – Dachi Sawano             JPN         5.70
1981 – Brad Walker                USA         6.04
1982 – Steve Hooker              AUS         6.00
1983 – Maksym Mazuryk        UKR         5.82
1984 – Mark Hollis                 USA         5.75
1985 – Yevgeniy Lukyanenko  RUS       6.01
1986 – Malte Mohr                 GER         5.76
1987 – Hiroki Ogita                 JPN         5.56
1988 – Jan Kudlicka               CZE         5.70
1989 – Raphael Holzdeppe    GER         5.80
1990 – Nico Weiler                 GER         5.30
1991 – Cheyne Rahme           RSA         5.20
1992 – Nariharu Matsuzawa   JPN         5.10

1993 and following – no vaulters at or over 5.00m, the lower limit of Mirko Jalava’s world deep list <> that I used as my data source.

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