2009/11/4 Peter Childs <pchi...@bcs.org>

> 2009/11/4 Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>
> 2009/11/4 Richard Bullock <rb...@cantab.net>
>>> We don't *have* to stick to dictionary definitions here when tagging, as
>>> long as the meaning is clear;
>>> exactly, this is not generally about dictionary definitions but about the
>> meaning of words. Dictionaries can give you hints if you're unsure. If we
>> use tunnel for all kind of holes you can creep in, the meaning will no
>> longer be clear.
>>> If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, then define it to be a duck.
>>> +1. And if it doesn't walk like a duck _and_ talk like a duck it is not a
>> duck.
>>> A passageway through a building (but, say, without being inside that
>>> building) is, to all intents and purposes, a tunnel.
>> a passageway through a building that is not inside that building will be
>> hard to find. (how do you define: is not inside?)
> Its a Way under a building where the building is either on legs or exists
> above and on both sides on the way. The way not blocked by a door (to enter
> the building). However other barrier (eg Staggered Fence or Gate) may exist
> to limit access to the way. The way is however at ground level.

(But may not be at ground level says he thinking of a few cases where its
not true...)

> That way maybe or any type including road, railway or waterway....
> These are quite common in the Uk. (Do I need to find a photo)
> Peter.
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