John Smith <> writes:

> On 5 May 2010 09:22, Steve Bennett <> wrote:
>> (Just to make life even hearder: is McCafe a cafe or fast food?)
> Maybe it's all three at the same time...
> Does it have a sit down and eat area.... restaurant
> Is the food delievered in less than 5 minutes (usually)... fast_food
> Is there a distinctive "cafe" section which primarily does coffee and
> muffins.... cafe

I think our focus on "objectivity" is excessive.  Tags are fundamentally
about communicating what a place is to others.

<us-centric> At least in US society, there is fairly broad agreement
about what is a "fast food place" vs a "cafe", and I'd expect the same
notion in most other cultures - certainly in Europe.  Even the people
who say that a fact-based decision is hard to make would answer the same
way as almost everyone if asked "Don't try to be difficult.  Guess
whether most people in the US would call this 'fast food' vs 'cafe'."</>

The entire reason such tagging is useful (vs. amenity=food) is that
people can ask "find me a nearby cafe".  When I ask that, I want a
coffee shop that serves sandwiches, or a sandwich shop that serves
coffee, or something like that -- that I'm likely to be glad I went to.
I definitely don't want McDonald's (to which I've probably been 3 times
in the last 10 years and try to keep it that way) or Dunkin Donuts (big
company massive chain of coffee/donuts, with no local charm) - or I
would have asked for fast food.  One of the key distinctions in practice
is that mega-corpooration heavily-advertised pseudofood is "fast food",
and independent coffee shops are "cafe".  At least that's how everyone I
know sees it.

You can call this bias and subjectivity, but I call it communication
based on a shared vocabulary.  So the key question is: for a tag choice,
is there some shared agreement in society about what the words mean.

Of course, there are marginal calls; Chipotle might be one such case.
Here, you might not get a consisent answer if you grabbed 100 random
people, had them eat there, and then quizzed them.  But if you sent
those 100 people to McDonald's, you'd get at least 99 saying "fast
food", and if you sent them to

then 99 of them would say cafe.  So I suggest we do the mental
experiment, and go with the result.

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