On 5/6/10 8:47 AM, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> 2010/5/6 John F. Eldredge<j...@jfeldredge.com>:
>>  From my experience (in the USA), most WalMarts and KMarts only allocate a 
>> small percentage of their floor space to groceries.  The so-called "super 
>> WalMarts" have a full range of groceries; even so, the grocery section takes 
>> up only 20 percent or so of the store.
> is this a proposal for est_floorspace:grocery=0.2 or for
> shop=supermarket, super=yes? If you think that shop=supermarket isn't
> sufficient I suggest to use additional tags rather than change or
> detailize (?)  the definition of the main tag.
i don't think that it would occur to a US based mapper to tag these discount
stores as supermarkets, it's not intuitive to us and the wiki 
description of the
tags wouldn't lead us there. department_store or general would be much more
likely to be used (i've used department_store to date).

most of these stores devote no more than 5 or 10% of their floorspace to
food, and are otherwise inexpensive department stores, and i'm certainly
having trouble seeing how 10% of their stock overrides the other 90% when
it comes to tagging.


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