On 18 May 2010 13:05, Roy Wallace <waldo000...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Separate entities should be represented by separate OSM elements.
> Relations are "groups of objects in which each object may take on a
> specific role", so I don't think this is appropriate here.

You are grouping transmitters/transponders to a tower, and while it
may not be 100% appropriate from the original intent of relations,
until or unless something better comes along this is the best option
that I can see to tag a single node with multiple types of the same
types of information.

> I think the proposal to use a node for each transponder is right. They
> will only be placed at the same position if one is directly above the
> other - this is a limitation of mapping the world in 2D.

This information isn't just useful for rendering, it can be useful to
know to plan trips among other things, but before either can happen
the information needs to be encoded in such a way to make this sort of
thing easy to deal with and at present there isn't any easy way to do
it other than using multiple relations linked to a single node.

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