Following discussion here and on the wiki I have changed "power_type" to

I have also introduced a new tag proposal, "power_method":

This resolves ambiguities about what "solar thermal" means, retains the
advances offered by my original proposal, and opens up a whole world of fun
describing the method used by the generator to turn the fuel into useful
energy. I have entered a limited set of power_method values, others might
want to expand it.

If any wiki enthusiasts want to change the name of the first proposal to
"Proposed_features/power_output" and do something with the deprecated
proposal currently occupying that URL, be my guest!

Tom Chance

On 17 August 2010 08:44, Tom Chance <> wrote:

> On 16 August 2010 21:08, André Riedel <> wrote:
>> 2010/8/16 Tom Chance <>:
>> > Basically I have deprecated "power_type=photovoltaic" and
>> > "power_type=solar-thermal", which combine two bits of information
>> (source of
>> > energy, and type of energy generated). This also allows for adequate
>> tagging
>> > of generators that produce more than one type of energy from a single
>> > source, such as a gas-fired combine heat and power plant.
>> The difference between photovoltaic and solar-thermal isn't the type
>> of produced energy. In both cases it is electric energy, but via
>> different physical ways.
> This is possibly a language difference, but here in the UK "solar thermal"
> means a solar panel that produces hot water, usually by pumping water
> through evacuated tubes or flat panels that receive a lot of sunlight.
> The language difference seems to make it even more important to separate
> these tags out as per my proposal!
> In any case, if you wanted to get even more detailed and reflect the
> particular type of "electricity generating solar panel" I would suggest
> another tag proposal. The current solution of lumping several different bits
> of information together in one tag (as per "power_source=solar-thermal") is
> too limited.
> Regards,
> Tom Chance
> --

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