On Fri, 20 Aug 2010 04:18:30 +1000, John Smith wrote:

> On 19 August 2010 23:09, Tyler Gunn
> <ty...@egunn.com> wrote:
>> I'm curious, what would be the best way to tag the boundaries of
>> individual properties?  Or SHOULD I even attempt this?
> A way to do this would be to map any fence lines marking the boundaries.

That runs into the problem of fences that aren't actually on property 
lines.  A trivial example would be my neighbors, which actually built 
their fence on the curbline.  Everyone in the neighborhood has told them 
that they've build their fence a few feet beyond their property lines on 
county land, so we're just waiting for the Jerry Springer moment when the 
county decides to put in sidewalks and removes the fence from county land 
without notice.

A more notorious example would be the US-Canada boundary, which in theory 
is exactly at 49.000000⁰N across most of the continent west of the Great 
Lakes.  In practice, it's significantly nonlinear.

> If this is mainly for your own use, you may be better converting it to
> KML or your own pgsql DB and making a transparent layer, rather than
> putting it directly into the OSM DB.

Is there an easy how-to for that?  I've been considering my own side-
project for mapping virtual worlds such as Second Life for a while now.

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