Am 24.08.2010 13:38, schrieb Elena of Valhalla:
On 8/24/10, Peter Körner<>  wrote:
Am 24.08.2010 12:17, schrieb Liz:
the butcher and baker are working with raw materials, producing something
temporary and not required to have beauty in its form
What, there is no beauty in my rump steak? I cant accept that, it's not
true!!!1eleven11! ;)

you're kidding, but what about a (real) sushi chef who produces
something temporary, but is also required to give extreme care to the
estetics of the dish?

I think we should stick with the general classification "a sushi restaurant" and ignore the specialty "a specific sushi chef" when dealing with tagging. As Emilie Laffray said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and so it can't be part of our definition for craft=.

I'd like Élisée Reclus proposal better: if it sells something to end customers is a shop and not a craft.

What do you think about that?


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