2010/9/27 Nathan Edgars II <nerou...@gmail.com>:
> On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 9:46 AM, Luca Brivio <luca.bri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In data lunedì 27 settembre 2010 10:14:19, Nathan Edgars II ha scritto:
>>> And now we have a tag that replaces all ice cream places, thus
>>> providing less information than the former amenity=cafe/fast_food/etc.
>>> cuisine=ice_cream. How is this a good thing?
>> Ice cream (and related products such as granita, frappé, ice pop) is not
>> really fast food, at least it was hardly intended as such (in Italy) until 
>> the
>> last few decades, and many continue not to see it as fast food.
> Fast food is simply a style of serving: you go up to the counter and
> order. It has nothing to do with the cuisine.

So a café is fast food too? What about "servizio al banco", i.e.,
entering a bar (Italian bar, I mean), asking for a coffee, drinking it
at the counter without sitting at a table?

Is a butcher store a fast food too? AFAIK, you enter, go to the
counter, order meat and leave.

One could object that at MacDonald's you order at the counter then sit
down to eat it, while in a gelateria you go to the counter, order and
leave with your cone.

Or, one could point out that fast food (MacDonald's) has ready-made
food that takes a minute to be cooked and served, while ice cream is
prepared and left to rest in the counter. A cup of coffee is also
cooked at the moment. You go the counter of a bar and order a beer
which is readily served to you, but beer is certainly not fast food.

Fast food, in non-English-speaking countries, in associated with
hamburgers, and especially with plastic junk food thanks to
MacDonald's. I don't know what kind of ice cream you eat in the USA,
but a gelato has nothing to do with that (neither does a cup of real



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