On 14/12/2010 23:43, Dave F. wrote:

How are bus depots being tagged? These are places where bus are stored,
say overnight, when not in use.

I've looked on taginfo&  there was only one use of bus_depot, so I
assume it's being tagged differently, but not sure how.

There was some discussion of this a few months back: http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/tagging/2010-September/thread.html#4539 There seemed to be agreement for some sort of "depot" tag, but less agreement over whether it should be amenity=depot or highway=depot or landuse=depot etc.

I think it is a quite different thing from parking, as it usually includes facilities for refuelling or repairing the buses etc. Plus there's roads depots which might also store tools, equipment, salt, gravel etc.

landuse=garages also seems to be a much more specific thing, for individual garage buildings, probably rented/used by different people etc.

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