adult day care might be taken care of by social_facility=outreach?

On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 6:53 PM, Richard Welty <>wrote:

> On 4/21/11 7:46 PM, Craig Wallace wrote:
>> On 21/04/2011 16:13, Flaimo wrote:
>>> created a proposal for amenity=daycare:
>>> more information on wikipedia:
>> "day care" is a very vague and ambiguous term. I assumed it referred to
>> care of elderly or disabled people etc.
>> As the proposal seems it refers to specifically child care, it would be
>> better to specify that in the tag name. So amenity=child_care or something.
>> Also, it needs to clarify how this is different from amenity=kindergarten.
>> Is it just for after-school care / care of school-age children?
> typically, day care for children in the US can start with infants, and
> kindergarden
> is usually a single year for 5 year olds between day care and primary
> school.
> kindergarden might be offered by a daycare for their oldest children, or by
> primary schools for children who will be attending 1st grade.
> there are also day cares for adults/disabled in the US, which probably
> could be
> factored in.
> richard
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