On Sun, 2011-06-05 at 15:58 +0200, fly wrote:
> I wonder why many people try to force the approval of a tag by fast
> votes on the wiki. A tag gets approved by uses in the data and software
> handling it.

Which raises another point, that if you really want to get your proposal
accepted more rapidly and widely, its probably worth throwing in some
examples of how to patch common software to work with the tag (sample
chunk to add to elemstyles for example).  Its one thing to ask that
software handles it, but its another to write the code to actually make
it do it.  In my experience, developers prefer the latter.

> > Adding it directly to the wiki is not advisable since it's not used yet.

If he adds it to the wiki, and creates a few instances of it, then is it
still 'not used yet'?  If he simply adds to the wiki without adding any
data your point would be valid, but if he creates the tags then
documents them, wheres the problem?  Its better than so many other
undocumented tags others have used.


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