2011/6/6 Alessio Zanol <nar...@infinito.it>:
> Hello,
> this is my feature proposal:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Club
> Please discuss here or even better in the discussion page on the
> wiki.

I think that here is a better place to have discussions, that's why I
reply here.

I like this proposal, because it fills a gap for a type of
organization that does occur in many countries and does play an
important role in the spare time of many people. Maybe there is an
issue with the wording. Club seems to have a lot of meanings in

with the (IMHO) most important one beeing "nightclub" (apparently not
what you are after).

What about using "association", and have subtags for the
organisational form and targets (e.g. voluntary, paid membership,

As a side note: in Germany there are now some "smoker's clubs" (which
before where pubs or restaurants or similar) as a result of a law that
prohibits smoking in public venues, maybe you could add those?

Another side note: you propose club=chess, but that might also be
club=sport, sport=chess (really ;-) )

A last side note: someone mentioned recently on the German ML that
sport=xy should not be used to describe any kinds of sports but only
places where you actually can exercise this sport. Personally I don't
agree that this is a good definition, but it is what the wiki
currently states as well:


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