On 10/25/2011 6:03 PM, Anthony wrote:
What are we pretending, for the sake of argument, that

As I say below:


"Private Property / Walt Disney World Resort Guest, Cast, and Business Invitees Only"

and access=private mean?

"Service & Authorized Vehicles Only"

On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:43 PM, Nathan Edgars II<nerou...@gmail.com>  wrote:
This is the area behind the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World.

Signs going northbound at A and B say "Service & Authorized Vehicles Only".

Southbound at C, a sign says "Private Property / Walt Disney World Resort
Guest, Cast, and Business Invitees Only".

(I verified A and C a few days ago; it's possible that B has changed

The exact tags to use for these are a matter of recent debate, and it's not
worth rehashing that. But it's clear that they are different (a guest can
enter Disney from Reams but can't exit that way), so for the sake of
argument let's call the former access=private and the latter
access=destination. Note that the area from A and B south to the beginning
of the motorway is also access=destination due to the presence of the main
entrance gate (and a sign identical to that at C on Vista west of Golden

The question is how the segments of road between these points should be
tagged. Should the ability to U-turn be taken into account (thus everything
but the close vicinity of A and B is destination in both directions)? Or
should it be assumed that one won't U-turn for the hell of it (thus all
three roads are private northbound and destination southbound)? Or should
no_straight_on restrictions be used at the signs, with no access tags on the

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