On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 18:16, Craig Wallace <craig...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> On 08/03/2012 16:54, Clifford Snow wrote:
>> I do not see gym listed as a value for the tag amenity.  I would like to
>> see it as a recognized key value for amenity.  Taginfo,
>> http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/amenity
>> shows 644 gym, 8 Gym and some forms of health_club.
>> Gym is defined as "A membership organization that provides a range of
>> facilities designed to improve and maintain physical fitness and
>> health."  In my town of Seattle, neighborhoods have numerous gyms that
>> fit the definition.
>> What is the correct process to get gym approved.  I'd also like to see
>> it added to potlatch2.  I have found a public domain icon that could be
>> used.
>> Any suggestions on how to proceed would be appreciated.
> The term "gym" is ambiguous, as it can also mean gymnasium. ie a place at a
> school for sports, or a place for doing gymnastics etc.
> I think its best to avoid the term for tagging.
> I would suggest a tag of something like "fitness_centre" or "fitness_club",
> which are clearer what they mean. Also, it should probably be under the key
> for leisure, not amenity.
> So a tag of leisure=fitness_centre or leisure=fitness_club

You mean: leisure=sport_centre

Serisouly if you want to map gyms please try to make the documentation
better, it's currently a mess. I've undeleted amentiy=gym, so this FAQ
doesn't come up again.


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