That was my point, any footpath or cycleway following a motorway should be 
treated as a separate way.

After more careful thought, the only UK instance of a path following a 
motorway, that I am aware of, is the old Severn bridge, and they are on 
different decks.


On 12/04/2012 14:11 Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

Am 12. April 2012 08:33 schrieb Philip Barnes <>:
>> What are you asking? A sidewalk is almost always a separate physical way
>> (if not, it's a shoulder, except on minor urban streets with flush
>> sidewalks and no curb).
> In the Netherlands I have sometimes seen cycleways paralleling
> motorways, some 20-30 metres away, and on long estuary bridges there is
> often a cycleway but beyond that motorways never have a sidewalk.

I guess that in all of these Dutch cases there will be a guard rail
separating the cycleway from the motorway, so there is really no doubt
these should be mapped distinctly. On the other hand I wouldn't call
this a sidewalk.


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