I have started a project with a school to map some objects in our city (for example, house numbers). There is a way to standardize this process, at least for some objects? I'm a newbie and I ask every time how to tag a new type of objects... and if I look at other similar objects, I see that different people tag similar objects in different way.

For this school, I'm writing a document that explain howto map an object. For example:

 * choose a node in an existing building or, only if necessary, create
   a new node in a building side
 * add tag addr:housenumber
 * add the house number(s). If there are more values, separate each
   item with ;
 * add tag addr:street
 * add the correct street name

I think that if the tagging is, al least for the minimum required tags for each object, the same for all tagger, the database could be used more friendly and with lesser resources (that is better for all). I think that is expensive detect house numbers in buildings, in nodes, with some numbers separated with comma, some numbers separated with semicolon, and so on...

I understand that different situation could produce different tagging... maybe this can be done inside each state (tagging standard for Italy, for Germay, for ...)

Good documentation = better tagging = lesser requests = better database info


PS: my english is not so good, sorry

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