
the Irish road sign,
which you show in your sample list of road signs for mini-roundabouts, is
for a normal roundabout.
You also show the correct Irish mini-roundabout sign


On 24 May 2012 10:23, Martin Vonwald <> wrote:

> Hi!
> Don't hit me - I'll stop to annoy you with this roundabout issue after
> this! Promised.
> I'll just want to let you know, that I reworked the article about
> mini-roundabouts and want to update it within the next days. You can
> find it here:
> It is identically with the article about junction=roundabout, except:
> * The first paragraph containing the description
> * Section 1 How to map (one paragraph)
> * Section 2.2 Examples - Mini-roundabouts: new photos and one paragraph
> * Section 2.3.1 Examples - Possible misinterpretations - Note to data
> consumers: new paragraph taken from the current article and removed
> any "incriminating" words
> * Updated section 3 and 4 (related tags and links)
> So there shouldn't be any surprises included.
> Comments as usually are welcome.
> One question I have left: should the section "Possible
> misinterpretations" be included in the article (as template) or should
> there be only a link like in the article about turning_circle:
> In my opinion a simple link would be overlooked too easily.
> regards,
> Martin
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