
On 06.07.2012 00:09, Eckhart Wörner wrote:
Well, if this proposal fails I would say everybody who voted against
it has to come up with a better one (where "better" is based on some
actual arguments)

In my eyes this proposal is a typical designed-on-the-desk-of-a-database-person idea.

Of course, if somebody asks me to come up with a technical solution that could be used to model all (or even 99.9% of all) combinations of access restrictions possible, in a machine readable way, then I'd have to invent something like it.

But I think these kinds of complex tagging schemas only satisfy a few über mappers who are delighted to be able to model something complex. They won't be adopted by a large enough group of people to even remotely rely on these tags being present and correct.

I suggest the following course of action:

1. Use the proposed tag in a limited area somewhere.

2. Create an application that acutally makes good use of the proposed tag, something where people go: "Wow, great, this bicycle routing engine on my iphone gives me different routes depending on whether the pedestrian area is open for traffic or not, that's something I have *so* been waiting for!"

3. Then, based on the strength of "this cool real-world application will work better if these access rules are properly mapped so let's all agree on the best way to do it", get the discussion going.

With this procedure, there's a remote chance that people will indeed use the tag because they get tangible results. Even then it will be difficult because we already demand a lot of our mappers. Frankly, I'm sick of hearing "oh we'll just make a nice template in the editor for this" because those templates already give every mapper the impression that a simple street with a name is not enough anymore - a new mapper stupid enough to open the JOSM preset for a residential road is already asked whether the road is lit, how many lanes it has, what the surface and the maximum speed were, how wide the road was (in metres), whether there was an incline... this has all grown from the "oh let's just make a nice template then mappers can enter this stuff" idea but the result is that every mapper is left feeling inadequate because he cannot remember if there were street lights in the street he surveyed.

I'm a big fan of the "show application, introduce tags" idea. Everything else is just "wouldn't it be nice if..." tag wanking that gets us nowhere.

As long as there are no real-world applications for this kind of detailed access mapping one can simply use the "note" tag and add stuff in natural language. That's my proposal for now ;)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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