Am 31.07.2012 10:33, schrieb "Petr Morávek [Xificurk]":
Kytömaa Lauri wrote:
  Petr Morávek [Xificurk] wrote:
2) A relation exists with member ways without ref tag. This means that
the route is essentially mapped and any further editor is correcting
errors, that he found. Then someone comes and adds a ref tag to one of
the ways - why?
He drove by, and saw a different ref sign next
to that road from one intersection and the next
one. He has no knowledge of where the ref on
the relation comes from, and if it is still valid on
all the ways currently part of the relation. He
only knows that this way has a ref=new value,
and it's all he can enter. Locals will eventually
notice, and resurvey the whole area - they'd
have to resurvey anyway.
If he knows for sure, that on that road from point A to point B is
ref=42 and not ref=56 as the OSM data says, then the user should fix it
as I wrote in previous email. Remove the ways from the current relation
and add the correct ref tag to the ways themselves, or create a new
relation for them. Problem fixed! Note, that if the edit was mistake
after all, then QA tool analyzing road network should catch that.

If he's not really sure about his data, but wants to alert locals "hey,
here may be something wrong", then he should use FIXME tag as for any
other dispute.

Well, I am quite happy with relations and I would like to use them "only" as you want, too.

On the other hand I have the practical expirience, that OSM lives from "new" contributors
- and "new" contributors have a quite simple approach:
- E. g. they add nodes, where already buildings exist, because there is no icon in their editor, they expect there.
   - They simply do not see relations in their first periods of mapping.

I am quite sure, they would add those ref tags as described above, simply because it is their first view. (I have no practical expirience of that right now - but simply because the refs are still on the ways yet here in Germany.)

As a QA contributor you just have two opportunities:
- Remove all ref tags from the ways and organize in relations - again and again. - Tag all ways with the ref tags appropriate. (Double the data with redundancy).

You will not get a consistant and straight solution anyway, I am quite sure.

If I understood your scenario correctly, it can be summarized as: "Let's
use conflicting ref tags for road disputes instead of fixme tag."
Personally, I don't support this view.

I would understand as:
Live with the (mapping) reality and use the (QA) possibilities it opens up.


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