Option 1 best because of compatibility but also this.
It's very difficult to have the renderer synthesize some names.
In Belgium, the law states that the name *must* be displayed in all the official languages of the place. For Brussels' streets, if there are two spellings, the names are displayed as (rue and straat mean street)
rue du Trône
But if there is only one, as (laan means avenue)
avenue Marnix laan
And there can be many other specifics, like shortening a name to fit the straat length. Furthermore, it makes a harder job for a tracing program to verify that a name was given.
So, it's best to write it as it must display.

In any case, as for any tag, lang=* should be defined precisely.
Is it the languages that are commonly spoken, that is which dictionary to pack in your luggage, or is it just the way the name is displayed, in which case it'd better be called name-lang or something? Indeed, in Russia for example, the only spoken (dictionary) language is Russian but they may like to add the English spelling to some of their places for foreigners' convenience. Again, option 1 make it easier.

Another option for Brussels would have been to make two nodes for it, one for each language. But it's a very limited workaround, you just cannot do that for every street.

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