On 30/03/2013 01:46, André Pirard wrote:

So, I have sent them an e-mail, I made the requested comment <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:OSM_Inspector/Views/Places> on the appropriate discussion page

I don't know why they've done it this way, but they've created a section within each wiki page itself entitled 'Discussion', and that's where they seem to want you to post your comments/requests - not the Talk page (confusingly called Discussion on the tab). So that would be here: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Inspector/Views/Places#Discussion.

Frederik Ramm (frede...@remote.org) and Jochen Topf (joc...@remote.org) sometimes post news about OSMI in OSM-Talk, so either that list, or those specific email addresses, might be another way to get their attention.

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