Hi again :)

2013/4/7 Martin Vonwald <imagic....@gmail.com>

> Hi!
> Actually how could that happen?

I don't have example, I was only guessing.

Assuming 2 different power plants with output generators in each (and links
for power exchanges between both) would help us to solve that kind of issue.
=> All right, my objection was stupid!

I was about to suggest the same as Martin Koppenhöfer: additional tag on
> the generator itself. Putting the generators of a plant into categories
> (category A: output, category B: intermediate) by using a relation sounds
> to me like this: [1] .

I'll update proposal with following generator tag values: generator=output
or generator=intermediate (generator=* key doesn't exist).
Thus all generators of a power plant would be added to an hypothetic
power=plant relation with role=generator.
This will be convenient to make the distinguishing on generator's tags and
only there.

Same goes for the substations by the way.

It's different for substations.
No categorization for them.
Nevertheless they could easily be placed off the perimeter of a single site
power plant. How to make links in that particular case?

In France for instance, substations and power grid are operated by RTE and
power plants by different companies.
Have a look to Tricastin nuclear power plant (biggest one I mean) :
Power plant perimeter is between Rhone river and publicly accessed road
D459 with 4 reactor buildings. Substation is behind a private uranium
enrichment plant (big white buildings) which is not part of the power plant
so we can't put a whole closed way around that stuff.

I don't see anything else than a relation to bring substation and power
plant together.

You may say it's not a single site power plant.
=> Many situation like above would be encountered so we won't actually have
so many single site power plant.
=> Only the substation is off the power plant site. Do we have to link
substation and power plants this way?


*François Lacombe*

francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu
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