
I'm currently wondering how can I map make the difference between pentocks
and simpler water aqueducts.

A penstock is used in hydro power plant to feed turbines with pressurized
water, it's shielded and sometimes in tunnels to ease works around it.

Instead of a an aqueduct which is not only used in hydro power plants and
generaly builded to bring water from source to consumption.

Hydro power plants may use both since water can be catch from different
valleys and concentrated through aqueducts to a shaft where we can find
penstocks above turbines.
Aqueducts are often totally flooded with water and no one could get inside
when it's in operation.

It would be great to make that difference on maps.

Penstocks are pipes, so I'm tempted to use man_made=pipeline + type=water
but what best describe an aqueduct ?

A proposal can be found on wiki but it's only for historical aqueducts.

The link between pentsocks and aqueducts is called a surge tank and it
absorbes large amount of water when operator opens/closes valves.
I remember we had talk about it on that list last April.

And think about NY City Water tunnel #3 which is currently in construction.
For me it's more an aquduct than a penstock.


*François Lacombe*

francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu
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