On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 6:58 PM, Bryce Nesbitt <bry...@obviously.com> wrote:

> The proposal/voting instructions at:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Creating_a_proposal Are mostly about
> inventing new tags.

> What's the procedure for, and how can we document, a voting proposal for
> reorganizing things instead?

This is quite a difficult process in OSM, and generally not done.
Here's the general process:

1. First, see how the existing *use* of the tags are. In general[1],
use wins out over anything else.

So if you have a tagging that you think is better, use it, and better
yet- show how the system is used by others already.

2. Use your new tagging system.

If you have a lot of data, the best thing to do is to just use your
own tagging system, and let the process be damned.

3. Get your scheme adopted by the renderers and editors

This is where many tagging systems fail. There is a misconception on
this list that being on the wiki makes a tag official and thus the
renderers and editors must adopt it as documented. The reality is that
the editors and the renderers use what's already present on the map.

The key to getting your tagging system adopted is largely simplicity.
Many of the proposed tags fail because they're too complex. If it
involves a relation, it's generally overcomplicated. If it has
multi-level tagging, ie: "foo:bar:baz=alice", then it's generally

This process of changing a tag in the tools can be a long one. If you
feel very strongly about this feature being shown on the OSM default
stylesheet, you may have to patch it yourself. Same with the editors.
Alternatively, in my experience, just wait for the adoption.

4. Mass-retagging

Mass-retagging is generally frowned upon, strongly.

This is something the DWG handles frequently. It's far better to use
your own tagging system and not worry about someone else.

They may be curating their own dataset for their neighborhood, city,
country, etc. so if you just go in and wipe out their work, it can be
very disruptive.

Generally this is why tagging systems will be left around even when
they've been deprecated.

If you had to have a mass rename, and the tools all supported it, you
might get some backing if you proposed it like you did an import
(especially if you did it within a region like the US, vs worldwide).

But generally, it's better to have two tags that mean the same thing,
then try to go through the effort of retagging.

- Serge

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