On 23/lug/2013, at 08:43, Gerhard Hermanns <gerhard.herma...@uni-due.de> wrote:

> Landuse should be used for larger areas where you need a (generic) term for a 
> conglomerate of objects (like "landuse=residential" for an area with houses, 
> garages, gardens, streets - each of which can also be mapped seperately), but 
> not for single objects like a pool.

like every tag landuse describes the object that it is attached to, actually it 
describes the usage. Preferably you shouldnt tag streets with 
landuse=residential, as they don't take part in the land (are not lots but are 
public land open to every person for movement).

There is no sense in requiring more than one lot in order to tag landuse, 
simply map what is there: if there is one single lot with a particular landuse 
this should be reflected in the mapping.

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