On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 1:38 PM, Serge Wroclawski <emac...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > With ACE what's important (I suppose) is that the store probably carries
> a
>  > bunch of ACE products.
> Not to me. I don't think OSM is where we want to carry store
> inventories. We had that discussion on that list a year ago. What I
> care(d) about was that you can look up an ACE store by its ref id.

Well, that's a broader discussion, hardly ACE specific.  Then it matters
that there is a store lookup:
Not that it's a franchise or cooperative.

With the URL one can argue that no other details are needed.

The website URL checker over at:
Processes a lot of chain store lookup URL's.  It is helpful at times, as it
alerts to closed stores in many cases.
However when the base URL changes, thousands of links can go bad all at
once... and it takes a mechanical
edit to fix it properly. The keepright checker has been blocked from
scanning by several hosts, but it could
be smarter about realizing the chain store pattern and throttling back.
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