fly <> wrote:
> Hey
> I wonder if it is useful to tag bicycle=dismount on ways.
> At least in Germany there is no official traffic sign despite of the
> existence of some.
> You are allowed to push your bike on every footway/pedestrian plus
> ways
> with vehicle=no. E.g. it is useless. Either you are allowed to ride
> (bicycle=yes/designated) or not (bicycle=no or vehicle=no)
> I can understand if it is used together with barrier on nodes.
> How is the situation in other countries ?
> Cheers fly
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On some bridges that have a relatively narrow footway, I have seen signs 
indicating that bicyclists must dismount.  So, I think that it is useful as a 
way of telling someone planning a cycle route "you will have to move at walking 
speed on this section".

John F. Eldredge --
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: 
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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