Wow, a very well documented RFC! Thanks in advance for your time and effort on this. Will read it and comment where appropriate.

On 03/11/2013 12:10, Matthijs Melissen wrote:
Dear all,

Based on your input during the pre-proposal phase, I have come up with
a feature proposal for various gambling features. The proposal
includes the following tags:

- shop=bookmaker: A shop that takes bets on sporting and other events
at agreed upon odds.
- shop=lottery: A shop of which the main purpose is the sale of lottery tickets.
- amenity=casino: A gambling place with at least one table game.
- amenity=amusement_arcade: A place with arcade games and/or gambling machines.
- amenity=gambling: A place for gambling, not being a bookmaker,
lottery shop, casino, or amusement arcade.
- leisure=video_arcade: DISCOURAGED, use amenity=amusement_arcade instead.
- shop=betting: DISCOURAGED, use shop=bookmaker, shop=lottery,
amenity=casino, amenity=amusement_arcade, or amenity=gambling instead.
- shop=gambling: DISCOURAGED, use shop=bookmaker, shop=lottery,
amenity=casino, amenity=amusement_arcade, or amenity=gambling instead.

Please see
for the full proposal.

I am looking forward to your comments, either on this mailing list or
on the discussion page.

In addition, I would also welcome extensions to the lists of examples
on the wiki-page.

With kind regards,

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