Am 03.12.2013 10:44, schrieb Volker Schmidt:

Here in Italy we have plenty of bicycle barriers or chicanes (, often with more than 2 inverted-U-shaped bars to make life even more difficult.
Should I use "width" or "est_width" which normally indicates the width of a way?

If I would see a tag "width" (or est-width) at an object called "barrier", I would assume
- in the first line: It is the width of the barrier object itself.
- on a second thought: It may be the total width of the opening left in the barrier.

But definitely not

the maximum width of the normal-length bicycle that I presume would pass the chicane.

At least there should be a hint, that the tag belongs to bycicles.
The use of this tag won't be restricted on bicycle-only ways - and 'foot' users will have another "normal-length" - and therefor another "maximum width that's presumed to pass" ...


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