Hi Nounours
I know its an American, not an English word, but tourism=apartment has
237 uses. 


I agree flat should be the correct term, but maybe too late to change

Phil (trigpoint)

On Thu, 2014-01-02 at 14:48 +0100, nounours77 wrote:
> Dear all,
> Mapping holiday flats is interesting, since if I look for a holiday flat at a 
> location that interests me, I can spot available flats e.g. close to the 
> beach or the village etc. and access directly to the contact information.
> Or, currently there are tags for all kind of accommodation: hotels, hostels, 
> guesthouses ... but not for holiday flats.
> The closest tag is "tourism=chalet", which also is for a rental 
> accommodation. But this tag is more meant for standalone houses, where you 
> rent the entire house, and more in a mountain context, where houses are more 
> isolated. It might be possible though to slightly extend this tag and use it 
> also for holiday flats.
> The problem is, that actually, there are renderers which render chalets on a 
> higher zoom level, since there often in lonely regions. Where as holiday 
> flats are often more dense, where there might be a lot in a single village.
> Please see the proposal here:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/holiday_flat
> Thanks for your comment on making a new tag or extending "tourism=chalet".
> Nounours
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