On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 02:06:13PM -0300, Fernando Trebien wrote:
> "the validator will only prevent the most obvious errors but will give
> you no clue how to fix them correctly"
> I know. But two or three rounds of trial and error with the validator
> should be enough to bring a new user to an acceptable representation.

the validator has no idea how the crossing is supposed to look like, this
is a very optimistic assumption optimistic for anything but the simplest 

> "or one of covered,location,indoor,steps,lift or level, maybe more."
> I have to read more about them an check their usage, but they could
> all be incorporated in the same rule in the validator. It's just a few
> extra values in a set referred to in a rule. Surely this set can grow
> over time.

I have a bunch of search strings for JOSM on my user page,
use those as tests for the assumptions. In most part of the world what 
they match are obvious errors - with the exception of some parts of 
Chicago City which I do not know well enough to judge what is going on

Reply to "level" related things in next email.


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