The cyclenode networks we are talking about are specific, published networks 
with route signage and node signs and/or information panels. They are not a 
loose connection of nodes which mappers have decided to gather together in OSM 
for convenience. You will find them in Belgium (where they were invented), the 
Netherlands and some parts of Germany. (And possible elsewhere if people have 
decided to use the same system.) They are observable (route signs, node 
signage, information panels and maps) and exist verifiably in the real world.

There are separate route relations for all the roads and paths signed between 
two nodes and these are included in network relations which contain those route 
relations as well as the nodes.

It would not be convenient (or probably possible) to include all the roads and 
nodes which make up a complete network in a single relation, so that is why we 
have route relations. And it is convenient for all of us who try to maintain 
them in OSM to have all the separate route relations collected in network 

The same is true for other node networks mentioned (walking/hiking routes, 
equestrian, etc.)

To answer Pieren’s original question: No, you cannot begin removing these from 
the database. 
The wiki needs to follow practice, not the other way round.
From: Paul Johnson 
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 4:59 PM
To: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools 
Subject: Re: [Tagging] "Relations are not categories" excepted for 
"type=network" ?

I'm going to have to side with Pieren against the network relation.  Just 
spitballing, but that would roughly mean one network per county, and an 
additional 1-8 networks per state, occasionally one network per city, and at 
least 3 for national in the US alone, bringing nothing to the table that can't 
be accomplished in a far more manageable way in what would be each member 
relation.  And I'm only talking road networks, and not the tens of thousands of 
potentially mappable transit, bicycle, hiking networks.  It's like hydroponic 
tomatoes: a great way to seriously complicate growing without much payoff 
except in very few edge scenarios. 

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