Am 20.07.2014 01:11, schrieb Paul Johnson:
> On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 6:00 PM, Mike N <
> <>> wrote:
>     The only reference to a likely center turn lane tagging I can find
>     is lanes:both_ways= , with a count of only 605 occurrences.   Since
>     there are over 22000 turn:lanes:forward , is the center turn lane
>     generally untagged, or is there a better tag than lanes:both_ways?

> lanes:both_ways=1
> turn:lanes:both_ways=left

Well, both_ways, was only a proposal and was even not included in style
and preset for a long time. Both still do not support it completely.

I have to say, that I did cheat a bit and did count forbidden middle
lanes to one direction, so far, which might be another reason for low

Reworking the preset is on my TODO list but I have difficulties to
include all tags in a practical way without inflating it even further
and it already does hardly fit on small screens.

As I personally mostly use the style and only need the preset for auto
completion, e.g. I am not familiar in terms of usability and would be
happy about some comments and/or suggestions.

Cheers fly

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