On 2014-07-22 11:01, Jo wrote :
> FYI it doesn't seem likely that the event of dropping highway=bus_stop
> or highway=speed_camera will be dropped in a foreseeable future,
> meaning you'll have to keep double tagging everything.
> In Belgium all red light cameras do double duty as speed cameras, so I
> didn't have this particular problem. Are you sure yours aren't speed
> cameras as well?
> Jo
> 2014-07-22 10:38 GMT+02:00 Andreas Goss <andi...@t-online.de
> <mailto:andi...@t-online.de>>:
>         I hesitate to just invent a new highway=*_camera tag, beause I
>         don't
>         actually like it to be under the highway key (something
>         accepted for the
>         speed_camera probably only of historical reasons)
>     You could see how big the support in the community is replace
>     highway=speed_camera key with a man_made=* As this is about they
>     key you could always tag both and rounters etc. could adopt and
>     support both and at some distant point in the future the highway
>     key might be dropped. That's kinda what's happening to
>     public_transport where the new system is adopted more and more,
>     but highway=bus_stop stop is still used.
>     _

I have mentioned without much follow-up a similar issue with
highway=crossing + crossing=*.
What OSM calls "crossing", zebra stripes, is in fact a "passage pour
piétons" which does not necessarily cross.
In Belgium (too), we have quite a number of "passages pour piétons"
painted longitudinally and it makes sense.
Children's safety, for example, is just as important if they have to
walk alongside on the road.
Or it may be painted across a parking lot, in which case mapping
highway=crossing ways make sense.
crossing=* alone (which, as a highway=* tag implicitly means
highway:crossing) is sufficient.

So, I am proposing:

  * to allow crossing=* on any highway=* when the painting is longitudinal
  * crossing:right=yes, crossing:left=yes in that case
  * highway=crossing for a way painted across an area


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