On 13/08/2014 05:54, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:

Some people consider freeform values in bridge tag as a problem and think that bridge tag should have only yes/no values and specific
type of bridge should be stored in a separate tag.

People are entitled to their opinions, but I'd argue that freeform tagging is one of the main things that's made OSM the success that it is.

It is notable as these people maintain Default Style - see

Unfortunately recent changes to the default style have made it less useful in the big world outside a couple of a couple of well-mapped European cities, and less useful if you want a map to use to navigate with rather than create something pretty to hang on the wall (1).

Just as we shouldn't "tag incorrectly for the renderer", we shouldn't "avoid mapping detail because if we do so it won't get rendered".

Even without these changes the default style is already less relevant than it was because of the many other map styles available and many different ways of viewing OSM data (the take-up of OSMAnd being one example, CraigsLists's (unfortunately out of date!) OSM-based maps are another).



(1) https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/pull/747#issuecomment-50188728

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