On Wed, 2015-02-18 at 15:11 -0800, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:

> Thus:

> amenity=toilet_waste_dump
> amenity=chemical_toilet_disposal
> amenity=chemical_toilet_disposal_point
> amenity=toilet_holding_tank_disposal
Is it fair to say that none of those terms are widely used ?  But, yes,
valid. But please see the waste= wiki page, it already has a mention of
waste=chemical_toilet.  OK, so not perfect but its there, very lightly
used but thats probably because no docs from (eg) camping pages.

N.America - dump station
Australia - dump point
UK - Elsan; CDP
Europe - sani-station, Entsorgungs-Station  // not quite same thing

> Remember that fewer and fewer mappers ever see the tags, due to hiding
> by editing tools.


> RV Dump Station
> Elsan Point
> Sanitation Station 

That list could be quite long if we are to have one or more entries from
every country :-)

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